Recoil - Chapter 2 - UmeShiso (2024)

Chapter Text

Rufus looked to the clock on the wall. Not even noon yet and the meeting he was currently engaged in had already devolved into white noise in his ears. It wasn’t a character flaw per se where he didn’t possess the patience for such things; having played the invalid for nearly two years instilled an abundance of that. Rather it was the topic at hand that had him reaching his limit and bored beyond belief; eyes glazed and head propped atop his right hand, he made no effort to disguise his disinterest. What were they even discussing again? More WRO funding? No, wrong group for that. The construction of city walls to increase security around the perimeters of Edge? Wrong group of people again. Better sanitation services? Instating an official city government? Hmph. Who were they kidding. Shin-Ra is the only one capable of governing this city.

Ah, yes, the establishment of an entertainment district. Was this really a matter that needed to be brought to him for personal review? While he could acknowledge that the idea itself held potential for untold profits, he also knew its implementation could be a double-edged sword. On the one hand it meant an outlet for those seeking relief from the stark reality of a Post Meteor world along with the day-to-day toil of rebuilding a city. But often times it was just a means of escape that only led to an inordinate amount of debt and misfortune. In a time when he needed the people of the city to remain focused, Rufus couldn’t afford to have them squander their time and money away in a bottomless pit of vices.

“We know that in these trying times people need an outlet for their frustrations…” The man droned on as Rufus lazily turned a page of the printed proposal before him, giving noncommittal nods to at least feign listening.

In all likelihood these people sat around the conference table were nothing more than lackeys sent by Don Corneo. Who else but that lecherous pig would want to emerge from the ashes of Midgar as the sole proprietor of sin and avarice. Rufus remembered rifling through the other’s files after having taken over his father’s seat as president. The fat bastard liked to fashion himself as some kind of Slum Overlord who commanded the esteem of men and women alike, but whatever power he held was illusionary. Nothing but a gluttonous, hedonistic, self-serving, delusional prick who couldn’t even properly keep track of his finances. Rufus had never seen books consistently in the red; whatever gil flowed into Corneo’s “business” flowed out just as quickly. These people only managed to keep their heads above water through deception, thievery, and the occasional jobs done at Shin-Ra’s behest.

“We could become a beacon of fun and entertainment. Become the Gold Saucer of this continent, so to speak…”

As if. The funding needed for that kind of ambitious project requires the redistribution of assets from areas already deemed essential. It would also necessitate top level scrupulous money management of which that fool is incapable of. The man frittered away his money on nothing but alcohol, women, and the gaudiest of personal effects. And his proclivity for those depravities definitely veered on the seedier side of unsavory. If Rufus went into business with that degenerate, he’d be throwing away any chances of redeeming his and the company’s name and reputation. It’d be dragged through the mud, gutter and sewage before being burned in a flaming pyre of sh*t with little to no hope of recovery. Be that as it may he was, at the moment, quite enjoying not being disparaged or ridiculed behind closed doors in bars and restaurants, or openly in parks and public gatherings. No, whatever little he managed to salvage of his family namesake he would not discard so carelessly.

“It definitely wouldn’t be limited to just adults. Our vision is to build it with the family first in mind…”

The pitiable man before him continued to nervously reiterate well-rehearsed talking points, beads of sweat dripping profusely from his receding hairline under Rufus’ unwavering and ever scrutinizing gaze, before ending the presentation with a timid whimper. The Don definitely won’t be happy when he hears the outcome of this meeting later. Ah, if he could spare the time, he’d love nothing more than to personally deliver the disappointing news. But Rufus was a man with precious seconds to spare, even for the things in life that gave him a sad*stic sort of joy.

“We will give this some consideration and contact you with our decision within the month.” The finality of his tone and withering glare gave little room for argument.

At this point he was ready to call it a day but as Corneo’s lackeys were gathering their belongings into their briefcases, he saw Tseng quietly enter the room, another folder in hand. Rather than approach the table, he stayed in the shadows. f*ck. That usually means it’s something important and unavoidable. There goes the leisurely lunch I’d been hoping to enjoy. He got up and motioned the Turk into his office as the others left.

“What is it Tseng?” He bit out as he made to sit behind his executive desk, not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice.

“Sir. Reports regarding the chemical analysis of the crude oil just came back. It is as you suspected.” He confirmed as he slid the portfolio into Rufus’ waiting hands.

An exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he propped his head on his right hand and thumbed through the papers with his left. “Another finite energy supply that isn’t suitable for long term energy needs then?” He surmised with a grimace.

Tseng nodded.

He turned another page. “What about the waste output it generates? How does it compare with Mako refuse?”

“It’s still too early in the research to know. They have yet to test it in all the areas where it can be a replacement for Mako.” He answered with an apologetic bow.

Rufus closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he scoured his brain for solutions on how to handle this new development. What was the point if this crude oil they were siphoning out of the ground proved to be just as polluting as Mako? They’d only be trading one evil for another. And if it blew up in their faces, you bet the public wouldn’t hesitate to lay the blame at Shin-Ra’s feet. “Redistribute some of the scientists currently in the Mako Waste Disposal Department and have them work on figuring this out.” He closed the folder and all but threw it across the desk back to Tseng. “I don’t want Shin-Ra allocating too many resources into a venture that’s not only just as damaging but will be obsolete within a generation or two. We need to think more long term.”

“Understood, sir.” Another apologetic bow on his part even though he was just the messenger.

“I also want you to get the Science Department working on this.” He ordered as he sifted through an assortment of folders piled at the far-off corner of his desk before retrieving the correct one. He pushed it across the table in Tseng’s direction. “From the theory detailed in this abstract, if proven feasible, it could be the main path we can take going forward. So far, it has the most potential of any of the others. If the science behind it is correct, we may be able to generate enough energy, not only for Edge, Junon, and even Kalm,” he gave a rare smile, he hadn’t been this optimistic in years, “but if we find the right medium, we can store whatever surplus is generated and sell the reserves to other cities.”

“Is there a time frame for this?”

“Three weeks to verify the validity of this claim.” He steepled his fingers together as another issue came to mind. “It’s also not practical in certain regions so we need to give secondary priority to looking for alternatives before another company does and swoops in to undermine us.” He leaned back to relax more fully into his chair and combed a gloved hand through his perfectly coifed pale blonde hair before holding it above his face to stare at. “I want Shin-Ra to be the de facto supplier in the energy business again. Holding the world’s power in our hands means the people of this planet will have no other recourse but to be dependent on us for their needs.” His hand clenched as if grasping the planet within it. “To ensure this, we need to be the first and the best.”

“Understood sir.”

“Any more of these incessant meetings scheduled for the afternoon? If I remember correctly, there should only be one more left on the books” He pinned the Turk with a look that challenged him to say otherwise.

“That is correct, you only have the one left.”

“Thank God.” He huffed out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.

“If you remember correctly, the rest of the evening was kept open so you can prepare to leave for Junon tonight.” Receiving a raised eyebrow in response Tseng elaborated. “You have that upcoming trip to Wutai to negotiate terms for an exclusive supply agreement pertaining to the minerals discovered in their mountains… And rather than fly there directly you chose to take the cruise liner scheduled to leave Junon tomorrow.”

“Ah, yes. That almost slipped my mind.” These long days were definitely taking a toll on him. If the bags beginning to form under his eyes weren’t indicative enough, his failing memory was.

“Sir, may I implore you to reconsider and just take the company helicopter.” His suggestion was underscored with a hint of pleading.

“Yes, that would be the safest option.” He admitted warily. “But if you recall Tuesti will also be onboard to hold that WRO fundraiser. It will give us the chance to finalize the details of that Energy Resource Information Sharing Agreement that’s already a month past due. Additionally, the head of that wind farm project… Xavier Kemp was it? Is going to be there as well, purely on holiday mind you.” He waved his hand as if to dismiss the very notion that someone could take holiday when there was work to be done. “I need to corner him and find out where he plans on staking his claim to see if that’s going to affect our profits in the area. I’ll be able to wine and dine them both while on my way to Wutai. Killing two birds with one stone as they say, right?”

The corners of Tseng’s mouth frowned slightly; he wasn’t convinced. “May I remind you that none of us will be able to accompany you. Reno and Rude are still on assignment in Costa del Sol–”

“Ah yes, I was planning on rendezvousing with them when the ship docks there for a port call. Second day I believe.” Rufus nodded to himself, oblivious to the Turk’s attempts at supplication.

“What about Elena then?”

“No, she needs to stay in Edge and oversee the construction of the Shin-Ra Orphanage.” Rufus pulled out a poster from under the pile of folders. It depicted the female Turk surrounded by children in front of a large building with The Shin-Ra Edge Orphanage emblazoned in metal lettering above its entryway. “I had the PR Department do a quick mock-up promotional poster. They haven’t figured out a suitable tagline as of yet. But the point is, the Turk’s image needs an overhaul; the lot of you, especially Reno and Rude, come off as nothing more than thugs in the public’s eyes. Which is why I want her to be the new face of the organization in this Post Meteor era.”

Tseng blanched at the very idea. “You can’t be serious about that, Sir.”

The smile that graced his lips would be described by many as being sinister, but to Tseng it was nothing but calculating. “Oh, but I am. She has the looks and charms–” He stopped mid-sentence to correct himself. “She has the looks for it, we can work on her charms later. Moving on, her presence and assistance in setting up that facility will help us make significant strides in that endeavor.”

“I doubt she’ll be on board with this, Sir.” The Head Turk knew his subordinates better than he knew himself sometimes. This was definitely something out of Elena’s comfort zone and he was going to get an earful the moment he delivered the orders. But if this was what Rufus Shinra wanted, then it was unlikely he could do anything to convince him otherwise.

“I’m sure you can talk her into it.” There were times when the blonde liked to get his hands dirty and there were times when he knew the task was better left to others. This was the latter. “And if you can, persuade her to participate in a few photo ops with the orphans there.” A picture formed in his mind of the Turk in question amidst a group of children, stone faced and clearly unamused by their presence. “Smiling would also be preferable.

As much as Tseng wanted to fight on Elena’s behalf on the matter, he knew it was a lost cause and instead shifted his efforts back to the matter of his employer’s safety. “What about some of the new recruits?”

Rufus smirked at the desperation audible in the other’s voice and shook his head. “You forget that I’ve overseen some of their practices. They’re about as inconspicuous as a Cactuar in a flower bed and can’t even hit the broad side of a Behemoth. They’re not ready for any kind of assignment, especially one where my life is involved.” f*ck the enemy, a stray bullet from friendly fire was just as hazardous. “Also, let them know their next assessment test is in two weeks and I’m hoping to see at least a three-point improvement in all fields by then.

“Understood, Sir.” He was losing the battle fast having run through the most viable options save for one. “Then let me at least move some of my tasks around so that I can accompany you.” It meant more overtime on his part but it was Tseng’s best shot. No employer equaled no livelihood and Tseng had only ever known how to be a Turk.

“Not possibly, I’m afraid.” He keyed in a combo to the drawer on the left side of his desk and pulled out three case files. “I was actually going to put you on another critical assignment.” He slid the files over. “I need you to look into these individuals… covertly of course.”

“Understood, sir.” He paused, a last Hail Mary on his lips. “Will Darkstar be accompanying you at least?”

Rufus let out a mirthless laugh. “No pets allowed unfortunately. Even the Shinra name couldn’t swing that one. Anyways, cease your worrying; Tuesti should have his own security onboard and I doubt he’d want to see his most generous benefactor threatened.”

Tseng could do no more than acquiesce. “I hope you are correct in that regard, Sir.”


The next morning found Rufus, dressed in a slate grey button down and freshly pressed white slacks, coffee in hand, observing the port from his top floor condominium in Junon. Aside from the shipping freights and military cruisers stationed on the waters was docked the few pleasure vessels. The Emerald Sea and Sapphire Sky toured the northern hemisphere while the Ruby Sun and Diamond Star toured the southern. All slightly larger than the military ones but sleeker in design and outfitted with amenities better suited to those seeking fun and escape rather than conquest. In the southern seas, new stabilization technology meant they’d be able to weather the frequent often fierce storms with little risk of damage. And in the northern glacial waters where floes and icebergs were tantamount to landmines, their form allowed them better maneuverability. Today’s cruise would take place on the Emerald Sea.

Rufus had done his homework on the cruise liner’s parent company months in advance; the owner was the heir of a freighting conglomerate who wanted to diversify their business in light of the growing recovery of both the planet and its inhabitants’ wallets. Once she’d heard of Rufus’ miraculous survival and his desire to right his wrongs, rather than throw her lot into helping ordinary citizens, she instead placed all her chips into catering to the surviving wealthy class. And from what he could surmise, her bets had paid off. Shin-Ra also had such an opportunity but couldn’t spare the ships for such frivolity. Building them from scratch took years and converting their military cruisers into ones of leisure would lead to vulnerability. There was always the chance other nations could decide that friendly outreach and mutual world rebuilding was too much in opposition of their personal interests. Interests that revolved around scrambling for Shin-Ra’s still abundant arsenal of military weaponry, medical supplies, and backup energy reserves.

It was only after Rufus had revealed himself to not only be quite alive and healthy, but also quite unamused by those who’d sought the company’s riches during his period of convalescence, that they ceased their opportunistic bid for his throne. On the surface at least. The ones who’d been too cowardly to make a play on their own even came groveling on hands and knees, seeking favor and forgiveness. Even handicapped by Sephiroth and Meteor, every single one of them couldn’t deny the power and influence Shin-Ra continued to command. And if they hoped to get back on their feet and rebuild then it would be in their best interest that Shin-Ra was also back on its feet. Constructing anything from the ground up, especially an energy production company, required time, vision, finances, and a certain degree of cooperation lacking amongst those vultures. He saw it, they saw it, all the people of Gaia saw it. So no, even as they insulted and decried Shin-Ra, it wasn’t time to ready their eulogy and funeral pyre.

But that didn’t stop certain individuals from harboring ambitions of unchallenged authority and grandeur and those usurpers were the ones needed monitoring. Did he believe they stood a chance at taking his life? Hardly. They were nothing but mosquitos in his eyes but that didn’t mean the bites they left behind weren’t any less annoying to deal with. These unforeseen threats were coming from places unknown and during a period when Shin-Ra’s resources were already being spread thin. If he could smoke them out, he’d know where to concentrate his efforts, launch a surgical strike and be done with everything so he could go back to doing actual work. Was it really so much to ask? Did they realize the mountain of paperwork still left on his desk? That it was all his to take care of since much of Shin-Ra’s middle management decided to find employment elsewhere that wasn’t constantly under threat? Did they want to have a go at those prosaic meetings themselves?

There was already enough on his plate without him having to worry about personal safety from something as mundane as a cruise. If it were a Shin-Ra vessel he wouldn’t have thought twice about boarding, their security was second to none after all. Putting his life in the hands of others was never easy for Rufus, lack of trust was the main reason and being a control freak at heart was the other; he just preferred having his fate within his own grasp. But this was a means to an end; he needed to get the WRO into his pocket or at the very least, make them realize that they needed Shin-Ra more than Shin-Ra needed them. Though he would begrudgingly admit that image reformation demanded time they couldn’t afford and the WRO already had the better reputation, or rather lacked the besmirched one of his. There were moves to be made and deals were easier done under the guise of a congenial organization.

If only the public knew the truth though he’s quite sure that the majority of them did. But let them believe what they will if it let them sleep better at night. They could continue to spit on his name all they want, it was no sweat off his back, not in the grander scheme of things. If those wanting a stab at him were mosquitos, then these people were mere ants. He shook his head to halt his train of thoughts. I’m supposed to be a reformed man and a reformed man cannot continue to have these thoughts. If I want to convince the world that Shin-Ra has changed, I have to do so myself. Taking another leisurely sip at his brew he watched the crew load the ship with the supplies needed for the four-day journey to Wutai. So far nothing seemed suspicious but that was just from what he was able to observe this morning. Who knew what enemies managed to infiltrate the ship’s cargo hold or crew or whether they’d plan a certain level of sabotage. In hindsight the wiser choice would have been to book this voyage under an alias. But he’d thrown caution to the wind in favor of pride. He was Rufus Shinra after all, who was he to hide fearfully in the shadows.

He looked at his watch. There were still two hours left before the ship was scheduled to depart at noon but guests had to check in an hour prior. Though he knew he should start making his way down, there was no urgency to his movements as he made his way to the kitchen to place his cup in the sink. A lifetime of having everything at his beck and call meant that he never felt the need to rush. But as much as he would have loved to luxuriate in the comfort of his home, there were still loose ends that needed tying up before his departure. Making his way to the bedroom to grab his white suit jacket and suitcase, he took out his PHS to notify his driver of his impending departure.


If Rufus had been hoping for a pleasant relaxing ride to the pier, it was anything but. His last hours left on land were instead filled with several last-minute calls. The first from Elena about whether his orders, relayed to her by Tseng, were indeed true because if there was one thing she disliked more than losing, it was kids.

“Sir, I don’t understand why I have to be the one to deal with those brats.” She wailed over the PHS. “If you need someone for photo ops, any one of the new recruits can do it. I feel like it’d be a waste of my talents.”

“Elena, I’m very aware of your talents,” he placated, already feeling the onset of a headache. “Which is the very reason why I’ve chosen you for this. Those new recruits lack the experience to deal with hostiles. They’d crumble instantly under the pressure of the public’s constant scrutiny and ire.”

“Then why not Reno or Rude?” She offered helpfully. “They’re use to being reviled by these people.”

“True enough.” He conceded the point to her; there was nothing to deny there. “But we need someone who would be able to extend an olive branch to those people. Or at least appear as if they can. Can you imagine Reno being anything other than sarcastic? Or Rude actually smiling and holding a conversation with ordinary civilians?”

“Um…” Her confidence wavered. “Tseng! Yeah, Tseng could do it. He’s very diplomatic when he wants to be!” She was grasping at straws.

Rufus sighed, a feeling of déjà vu overtaking him. He swore he’d gone through a similar conversation of a different vein just yesterday. “While it’s true that Tseng is better at engaging in civil conversation, he’s too stern and uptight for the role. Somehow, I can only see him breaking into a lecture about the need to grow up and start acting like adults to those kids.”

“Hmm… you’re not wrong about that…”

He could hear the uncertainty in her voice taking root. All that was left to do was to butter her up; make her feel like she was indispensable for the mission. That was the key to getting Elena to cooperate. Being the youngest Turk in the senior lineup meant she always felt the need to prove herself; that her reputation as a prodigy at the Shin-Ra Military Academy wasn’t just a throwaway superlative. She hungered for recognition and praise and that was a trait he knew he could always exploit.

“Elena,” he pressed on adding a certain level of gravitas to his tone. “There’s a reason why I’m putting you on lead for this.”

“Is there?” She questioned impudently. “This seems more like punishment than anything else? Did I do something wrong, Sir?”

The headache was beginning to spread and he could do no more to staunch its migration than he could the sun’s skyward one. Taking a deep breath, he continued appealing to her ego. “You’re the only one with the perfect combination of brains, beauty and charm required for a project of this scope and magnitude. You have the resourcefulness and adaptability that allow you to pivot when the situation demands quick thinking.” Her silence was promising. “That is a trait not easily found, even amongst the current lineup of Turks. If you succeed here, you will not only change the world’s perception of Shin-Ra but you will safeguard its future. Shin-Ra would owe you a debt that may never be repaid.”


“Yes.” Knowing he had her, he did a mental victory lap. “With a mission this critical, there is no one else but you and I have nothing but the utmost faith in your abilities. I am counting on you, Elena.”

“Yes, Sir!”

He may have imagined it, but he swore he could feel the sense of pride radiating from the woman on the other end through the PHS. “Oh, and don’t forget to smile.” With those parting words he hung up and immediately went to dialing Tseng.

“Tseng, I need you to arrange for a public speaking class on Elena’s behalf.” Before the acknowledgement could even be given, he hung up once more and dialed Reno.

There were so many last-minute details he needed to address before boarding. Once the ship departed the docks and was out in the open ocean he would lose all opportunities at communication. He was already aware that PHS reception would be non-existent but communication via Worldwide Network would also be unavailable. He’d only been made aware of it just as he left his condo, catching the tail end of a conversation from another resident. The man mentioned how he could never go on any of those cruises as they had yet to be outfitted with connection to the WWN, something he just couldn’t live a day without. How that little piece of information got past Rufus, he would have to figure out another day. But that meant he needed to take care of all his business before boarding. So after Elena and Tseng there was Reno and Rude.

They already knew of his arrival but he’d yet to iron out the details for their meeting. He looked down at his watch. He had another thirty minutes left until he had to be inside the ship and it was another fifteen to the docks.

“Yo.” Came the greeting from the other end.

“The ship is scheduled to dock in Costa del Sol tomorrow at 9am. Secure transportation to the villa and meet me at the docks.” He made to hang up but paused as he considered who he was talking to. “Your reputation still precedes you so try to be inconspicuous. I don’t want unfounded rumors swirling around about Shin-Ra conspiring something.”

“Will do Boss!”

Another thought occurred to him. “I’m also expecting you to be sober.”

“Aw – But Boss!”

He hung up before the excuses would no doubt start pouring in; he didn’t have the time for it. With just one last call to make he could already see the ship as the car made a turn into the port.

“Rufus Shinra.” He announced. “Did you manage to load the cargo on board?”

“Yes, Sir. No problems on our end.”

He could never have imagined that the relief of having one less thing to worry about would feel so good. “And how would I go about acquiring that cargo?”

“Someone will be by your stateroom tonight to deliver it, Sir.”

“And the signal?”

“Three followed by two, Sir.”

“Good work.” And with that he could finally let out a sigh of relief and maybe even start to enjoy his day.


His fashionably late arrival meant that the crowds outside the ship had already thinned out by the time he was dropped off; an unexpected bonus in his books. He was never one for crowds; outside of Shin-Ra sponsored events, they were too unpredictable. While many would find safety in numbers since sticking out meant you became an easier target, he only saw them as another liability he couldn’t account for. Before Meteor, no one would have dared touch a hair on him, but these Post Meteor masses were more reckless and ambitious. They had smelled blood after Diamond Weapon’s attack and having learned that he could bleed, they never stopped going in for the kill.

Unfortunately, their attempts only resulted in more confusion about his wellbeing. Many still couldn’t distill the truth from the fictitious stories swirling about; he was both alive and dead apparently. Case in point, the man at the check-in counter seemed somewhat surprised to discover that the Rufus Shinra on the reservation was the real deal. It was not the reaction he’d been expecting. He could do little to halt the seeds of paranoia from sprouting. Had other people been throwing his name around in order to secure favors and special privileges? Or were they using it to engage in unsolicited business? Just another thing he was going to have to investigate but without any concrete proof to support his suspicion he could hardly task one of the Turks to go on a wild goose chase. It would have to wait. And once he was checked in and had his luggage sent to his stateroom, he chose to bury the doubt in favor of exploration. It was time to see what the big deal about cruising was.

He was aware that many within Midgar’s upper social crust enjoyed taking holiday on them though he himself never did, unless being on a military cruiser counted as such. The very idea of being stuck out in the middle of the ocean with a shipload of strangers was the furthest thing from his mind of what he would associate as fun. What if an outbreak of an unknown or contagious disease happened? Close quarters and limited areas to access fresh air meant that the disease would spread like wildfire from the proximity alone. People would be fall like dominos until they managed to port somewhere and get proper care. Oh, then there were the cruises geared towards families. He could only shudder to think of days on end spent in the presence of ill-mannered brats. Rufus often hated being left to his own thoughts but the idea of them being drowned by the deafening screams of children was a far worse fate. Luckily this one only permitted children above a certain age to sail.

Which went to explain the more muted tones of the ship’s interiors. As he meandered into the main lobby, he came to appreciate that while the space was lavishly decorated, it was not gaudily so. Quite unlike the establishments belonging to Corneo that were fashioned it into sordid opium dens. It was a sophisticated, old-world sort of luxury, an aesthetic that suited his taste perfectly. Expansive marble floors were occasionally interspersed with intricately woven, handcrafted rugs. Dark wood paneled walls hung oil paintings depicting idyllic landscapes. A massive, ornate crystal chandelier dangled from the center of the dining room ceiling to compliment the smaller more modest ones that occupied the main lobby and ballroom. If that wasn’t enough to impress, every entryway was adorned with floral arrangements composed of real flowers all contained within vases of ancient Wutain origin.

Satisfied that the ships décor met his exacting standards he turned to leave to determine if his private quarters did the same. At least that was the plan before he spied some expensively dressed women at the lounge bar, honing immediately on the one in the center. Dark blonde hair, curled in loose waves down her back, large dark blue eyes set against sun kissed skin all contained within a petite oval face. He hummed in appreciation as his eyes roved lower to take in her very shapely figure garbed in a fine white linen dress; her taste in clothing definitely resonated with his. It was tailored to her every curve starting from her neckline to her hips before flaring out into a skirt what ended at the knees to reveal long lean legs. I guess there are worse ways to spend the next four days. She had all the markings of hailing from a wealthy family; shinny well-groomed hair, clean unblemished skin, understated but elegant jewelry, perfectly fitted clothing, and a soft makeup palette. He wondered if she lived here in Junon or originated from the upper plates of what had been Midgar and whether she would recognize him if he approached her.

Although he was striving to maintain a low profile, the allure of engaging with a beautiful woman was incredibly tempting; something he hadn’t indulged in since before Meteor came hurtling through the skies. A nice tryst in the bedroom would do wonders to relieve all the pent-up stress he’d built up over the last few months (years really). What halted his steps was the possibility that he may have already bedded her (who could keep track of their faces anyways?) and approaching her without knowledge of name or their last encounter would probably end with a slap to his face. And drawing attention to himself would be counterintuitive to maintaining that low profile he was striving for. The gratification of sex or the safety of anonymity? Which to choose indeed.

He didn’t have long to ponder his dilemma before Reeve walked up to him, obscuring his line of sight to the woman he’d been contemplating in the process. Annoyed as he was, he schooled his expression to some semblance of civility, putting forth his most charming smile which he realized seconds later he need not have done since it was just Reeve and therefore a waste. Instead, he settled for something closer to indifference.

“Hello Reeve,” he acknowledged with a tilt of his head. “I was just wondering if I’d run into you before our scheduled dinner rendezvous.” He lied, smoothly shifting his body sideways to look past his former employee to see if the woman was still there. She wasn’t. f*cking co*ck blocker.

“Same here.” The older man’s smile and cordial tone indicated that he was unaware of his transgression. “Care to join me for a drink?”

With his prospective bedroom partner gone he had no excuse to decline. “Why not? You’re paying of course.” He did little to mask the sullenness of his voice at being denied the gratification he was seeking.

Reeve raised a brow, placing one hand on his hip as he brought the other to stroke his bearded chin, intrigued. “Is Shin-Ra already in dire straits that you’re unable to spare a few gil to foot a bar tab?”

Rufus laughed and waved off the accusation. “Hardly. Just consider it recompense for an injustice done unto me.”

This was news to Reeve who racked his mind for their most recent encounter. The man could only ever remember being polite and professional; surely the blonde must be just pulling his leg. “And what injustice would that be?” He queried humorously, already steering them toward the bar counter.

The image of a voluptuous dark blonde woman teased at the periphery of his mind. He groaned at the missed opportunity of having a soft and willing body underneath him, moaning his name. It had really been too long. “Injustice of the blue balls variety.” He quipped back, irritated.

Tuesti remained clueless to Rufus’ allusion. “I still don’t quite get your meaning. Surely, it’s not as serious as you’re making it out to be.”

Rufus eyed the man up and down and shrugged. “I suppose things of this nature probably no longer hold any appeal to men of your age... it probably doesn't even work anymore. But I’m still young and extremely virile.”

“Wait. What?” The man was truly bewildered now, unsure if that had been an insult on his expense.

“Nothing.” Wanting to drop the subject so he could forget that he’d be sleeping alone tonight, he flagged the bartender down and placed his order. “Double whiskey single malt on the rocks. The older the better.”

“Hey now.” He balked at the extravagant request. “You do realize the price for drinks on these cruises are double the going rate, right? I’m not made of money you know.” Turning to the awaiting bartender he placed an order of his own. “I’ll have a vodka tonic.”

Rufus couldn’t help the sneer that spread across his lips. “And here I was under the impression that the funding I provide for the WRO was more than adequate.”

“Yes.” Reeve agreed, unbothered by the insinuation. “The WRO, not me personally. Your money isn’t going directly into my bank account.”

“Oh, how strait-laced of you.” He’d meant for it to be a joke but apparently it wasn’t to Reeve.

“Isn’t that one of the reasons why you were willing to fund us in the first place? I doubt you’d part so easily with your money if you had even the slightest inkling that it was being wastefully spent.”

Rufus had to give credit to the other man for remaining incredibly professional and honest despite their past animosity. Aside from the sprinkling of grey hair near his temple and his fuller beard, he hadn’t changed a bit since the time he was in Shin-Ra’s employ. Even if they didn’t always see eye to eye on matters, Tuesti remained a man you could place your trust in. High moral standards and work ethics were rare commodities these days and the man had them in spades. Once their drinks were placed before them, they moved to the counter lined along the window to gaze at the ocean as the ship started to leave the docks.

“Any way I can convince you to work directly for Shin-Ra again?” He offered, bringing the whiskey to his lips as his eyes remained transfixed to the ocean. “I’ll give you a raise and even throw in a rehiring bonus.”

Reeve let out a hearty laugh before shaking his head to decline the proposition. “There’s always strings attached when working for Shin-Ra.”

“What? Haven’t you heard? We’ve turned over a new leaf.” He smiled charmingly. “Even the Turks are rebranding. In fact, Elena is going to be our official ambassador for the Shin-Ra Orphanage in Edge.”

Recoil - Chapter 2 - UmeShiso (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.