The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)

FINANCIAL FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Livestock FORJALE 53 Furniture TRADByourol(lfurnlture aimli-ances In on new at Nicholsons. where Vou havi. th A 71 MiaceUaneoni CRAZY MAN-SAYS No credit, no stamps, no free rnf fee. no Sunday fc'llioia. lut iyirraina at i ires cloaeii on Sunday we niaae enougn nays, wimeri, i inner or automatic.

1 14 so Slovea, jtas ur electric, $12.50. lNes. ain.Mi. tieds, com pi eta. $14 5U.

We uade. buy or sell any Bluff. We are not runnlna: nulttlnsl sale- just everyilay bargains. Waahers smvea, guarantevti, i.nnu up. NOAII'S AirK, 2ND A WATERMAN i ojiiu fiAtiiJ niiutit.

REPOSSESSED Dishwasher RCA Whirlpool Roll around model Sll? 50 Ma down terms, tiseu only JU days. New 1 yr. guarantee. model. Keg sold $199 95 (1 only).

Kal's Furn. Appliance Base Llne-Rlverslde Ave North Riaito Sluiuuiiui Center TR 5 2323 or VA 2 4575 CELEBRITIES CLOTHES For resale at tracUon of original cost. STARS 4 MODELS Anonymous APtwirel. in61 Mills Ave. Montciair nAt 4-5w Hours a.m.

J. 30. fcnv Closed Tuesday WANTED! Crazy man now desperate Loaded with (aiJl and no stuck. Need wasners. refrigerators, stoves, guns, tisils.

TV's, radios, sisirltna goods, elc. NOAH'S ARK. 2nd ft waterman. TMTIO lounge, $5 Lawn mower $2 o(l, Platform rocker. $10.

Gosalp oencn, small chest, $3. 4 drawer chest. $5. Patio table. $4.50.

Pav lien. 12 VI a dt-MWir 16 End tallies, chairs. 7615 Del Rosa tux -6WI9. AUCTIONS Fridays 7 nm Sundays 11 a.m 698 South St. We buy your furniture or what have you? We specialize In priv.

sales anywhere. TUx 83-1572 COMPL. set of nica. UKe new. Year hook rrom i to 55.

Animal Kingdom books. Vibrator lounge A belt. Make offer. All or parF, Will aacnfiie. 1509 Whlttram, Fontana.

RUMMAGE SALE 11X10 ft 1 Items. Clothing, tools, dish es, some aid, some new Hems. 2bh West 24th St. TUr tlotl DOl cha I se lounge, $12T)ujh ran rnyre sora, lavish wheat shear trim, $15. Charming French love seat-u-rcdo, $15.

Intensely interesl-Ing load. Come browse, OIJSON'S. 1338 W. 5th. HOGAN'S Auction, Sun.

"10:30 a Consignments taken on Sat. ft Sun. We buv furnitura A misc. EARL HOGAN Tl'x Drapes Just cleaned for the first time $80. Chinese design, yellow, black, red ft green, for 3 large windows.

TUr 6-1460. UPHOLSTERY SUPPLIES WHOLESALE ft RETAIL 40 off on 100 nylon pile frieze ft mi.ieiasse imported rrom Italy. Handy Sandy. 640 W. 3rd TUr 9-5715 PRESS CAMERA.

Super 45 Graflex Unused, complete with Polaroid back. etc. $600. Sell $300, OV 8-4607 luversiue. YOUNGSTOWN dbl.

sink cabinet witn spray, hospital bed, fence ft misc. TA S-B171. BUY SELL TRADE 50.000 Items. Will beat any deal. Western Swap Shop.

2105 W. High land Ave. TUr 7 2691. i2x2() PATIO slab on levef Call P. Landsaw.

T()r 3 5941. 4 ttiheless tires! 8.50x14." Good rondilon. TUx 43-2372 BEES 30 stands. $6 each, 1 or all. trane or lease.

TUr 211713 2 COMPLETE sets bunk beds!" $25 each. Good cond. TUr 3-6501 7.1a. rVtiNcellaneou Wanted WANTeT):" 12 to 15 upholstered matching chairs. preier barrel type TUr 5-7013 or TUr 2-6290.

fOPCORN MACHINE wanted "for amusem*nt arcade. Phone Crestline 2627 after 6 P.M. WE BUY EVERYTHING, CALL" 1)9 KAPLAN'S, TUr 6 2542. We also pick up dry j'leanlng. WAiNltu: uinocuiara.

7x or slmnaer. TUr s-3940 WILL buy old U.S. coins. Good prices patu. tit f-2Ut7.

AUTOMOBILES Tib." New Cara BRAND NEW 1961 RENAULTS $1095 I MANS MOTOP! 861 St. TUx S5-85S4 72 Automobiles tor Sale 50 Cad. 4 door 1195 cash 54 Pontlac hardtop cash 49 Willys pickup $195 cash Kasr, st BlftRtlck Big custom noay work. New Bahama blue paint. 2 door hardtop special.

Clean, white ft blue Interior. New u.s. ttoyai Slimline tires. iTired to sell or trade, aflpr I nm TUr 3-8118. SI.Snn' Ilj uun.ii Lasanre so nardtop 2 dr.

shirt, power steering, radio, heater. 18,000 miles. Like new. Will consider trade, foreign mi- pref. See Mr.

Phene, 3984 Acre Liane. nir MUST sell 53 Cad. Couoe tWIUe, run power, needs minor work, $300. TUr 9-2093. BUICK 55 "Full "power! riiv 55T5ulck.

Cenliiry'convertlbl'e. 'Gijorl cona sito JTBuick hardtop, stick, $49(1. TUr 9-252. 90 Cadillac coupe deVille. liw mileage.

Full power. Clean. Pvt. par-ty. Call Tltr2 57 CHRYSLER WAGON Full power, one owner.

$53 SO down. assume payments. Ask for credit manager. 25S34 E. Jiase Une.

GL 8 3779 car Serviced by trained Specialists REGARDLESS OF MAKE OF CAR, i ttiDAY iur BERING MONROE MOTORS Authorized Volkswagen dealer 24S98 Base Line at Tippecanoe 53 Chevrolet BelAir. Powergllde. ra dlo ft Mr. Exc. condition.

Pvt party. Best offer for cash takes TUr 7-1924 after p.m. 53 CHRYSLER Imperial Hardtop, ah power. Sacrifice $495. Terms to suit STllOH BOYS 880 Street TAKE over payments" of $49.95 on a 1959 Chevrolet 2 dr.

Radio ft heater, standard transmission wilh overdrive. TUr 8-3864. ask for ARV or BUCK. Dir. 55 CHEVROLET BELAIR V-8 automatic transmission.

Assume payments $26.35 monlh. 25834 E. Base Line. GL 8-3778 50 CHEVY, rebuilt, 'motor. TUr 3-1373 (weekdays aft.5:30.i.

ASSUME payments on 54 'Corvette convertible. 6 cylinder. REAL SHARP. See credit manager, 1015; North St. BY OWHER.53 Chevy Station" Wagon 137 West llittv TtJx42-S530.

iwcir WANNA STEAL A CAR 7 7 7 CAN TODAY ONLY 60 Chrysler Ssvatoqa 4. Or. S(tM Power, Radit, HfHtr. Normally $2895 Thursday Only '2595 BOB WICKETT SUPERMARKET OF CARS 350 W. laso Lin TUx 13-055 mSt.

you IS Auluiiiul'Uet tot Sl Before You Buy A Used Car SEETHE NEW 61 HEALEY One onlyathls pries. 61 MGA Choice nf six. 61 SPRITE Chulce ot five. 61 HILLMAN Includes heater ft While 61 MORRIS Includes hester ft White HUIIRYTO Sportscars 770 E. Bitse Line Base prices plus JaA.sCMwe 55 Futii V-8 Club 58 Ply.

V-8 Stick 53 pulck. Shai-p 47 Ford si Ton Pickup 4105 51 Chrysler V-8 eimin VJ 24769 E. 5th Street disir. while, alt- -oit. all power, J-1990 '1955" Chevrolet llelAlr luirdtoii cjiupe it.95.

terms. See Dale Martin, 2461 Base Line. SEl.tTor traiTe'58 Chevrjmpala, UKe new. Power steering. TUx 83 34h4i 1956 Chevy 2 dr.

Del Rey. V-8, slick shift, radio ft healer. No rash nee essary. $49.95 Per month. TUr 8 SN64.

ask for MUCK or AHY dir. SACRIFICE VM Chevrolet sedan $149. See Dale Martin. 24620 Line. 54 aiEVROIjET 4 DOOR Assume payments of $20,66 per month.

Very clean. 2iMt iiase lui. 58 CHEV. V-8 Blscavne 4 dr, O'dHvt. Putin id 1 Shss.

S7 Corvette. Exc. conif. htr. (all 1 A bet.

0 1956 Chevy. 2 Ar. Slick, cyl. As sume contract or 4J per monia. TUr 8 3hii4J ask for ARy or BUCK.

9 Chevrolet "Blscayne 2 dr. I Cyl. overdrive, radio ft healer. Tskje over payments, No down jiaynieni tiaynient for iUNJ required, i ir MY or DICK. Dir.

TySTcMvmtnmr 1 1 v.m.xi 56 Chevrolet BelAir 4 feal- er, aulomatlc. Or 196 voiKswngiTi gill 2 dr. Assume contract of $49 95 ner mo. No money down IU ask for ARV or BUCK, DIs 1958 CHEV. Impala.

Gold In color. Full power 3 siieed floor sntrt. Mi tiaiTcl carburetors, "143 Belle SJ San Bernardino. Call TUr 2-5784 anytime after 5 p.m. 58 CEVROLET lllsoavne" 4 dr.

sf dan. Take over contract $55 prt mo. TUr 8-3864, ask for DICK JIMMY. Dlr 58 CHEV. 2 dr.

Stick. 56 Font Park lane wagon, urauy ctean. take good transportation car tn tiade 661 N. Yucca, Hlalto. HARRISON RENO Local FIAT Dealer 208 E.

Base Line TUr KISOt TRYUS FOR SERVJCE. Hrefllte Seilan, power steering and brakes, power seat radio, heater. Sharp as tack. 1595, $20 Mo. SI'ltoH BUYS 880 Street EXCEPTIONAL BUY" 54 De Soto sedan.

V-8. power steef Ing, auto, radio, heater Original througluiut. Exc. condition See at 776 Mockingbird Lane (Wan east 30th). $395.

59 FORD 4 dr. Ranch Wagon. RadKj heater A automatic, power sleer Ing. Assume payments of pet mo. Ph.

TUr t3ti64, ask for lflJl'K or ARV. Dir. TAKE $22 per on a j-ora overnriv. radio, heater, sharp. Call TUx xi 2132.

ask for 55 FORD FAIR LANE. Fordomatlc. radio, heater, whltewalls, lop con dillon. WM cash. 1073 Nigfli Myrtle.

San Bdno.TUr 9-8822. 1959 ford" club seditn Hard lo find V-8 engine wilh nan aid Iransmlsslon ft overdrive. Sparkling blue ft white two tone finish wilh blue nylon ft plastic interior. Radio, healer, turn tiack-un lights, dual tender mlrmui ft excellent white sldewall tire! Lifetime warranty. Only $'196 HO down or trade ft $56.07 jut month Includes taxes, license ft l-letesl.

See Mao McCraken at 459 base line between sts. bird Ford-O-mauc, new tires. $995 or best offer. Owner TUr 2-3458, 56 FORD 9 pass." Station" Wagon. Excel, radio, heater, power steering, refrigeraUon.

$995. 101 West II Collon, TA 5 5771. 40 FORD. Excellent conillUon. Phone TUx 44-8166 aft, 5 P.m.

57 FORD 6 WAGON Ovenlrlvp, radio, heater, one ownerT Assume payments $31 per month 25834 Base Line. GL 8-377R 58 FORD Falrlane Club sedan. As sume payments of $51 per mo. Nn cHsh reiiulred. TUr 8-3864, ask fc JIMMY or DICK.

Dlr 56 FORD cnune. stick' smfi XAW. lonti 1,. Sf Roll BOYS 880 Sfreej TAKE OVER PAYMENTS on FORD FALCON. mlleane In payments, excellent condition, an GEOItGE LLOYD, TUr 8-3K6i Die 183(1 Ford.

Real sharp. Cabrolet coff vertlble. $325 cash minus engine ft transmission. Also extra Model A parts. TUr 3-4621.

SACRIFICE "1952 stli-I V-8. Runs good. $199 terms. See Dale Martin, 24620 Base Line. 31 FORD coupe, stick, oveidrlvf, clean.

$150. TUr 9-25S2. 57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Extra clean, Ml power. Assume Daw ments $.16 16 per month. 25K34 E.

Iiase Line. GL 57 Ford 6. 2 whlte7 Fbrdoinatlu, Sharp. $695, TA 5-2411. Ford Fordomalic, red I gid engine and tires.

Clean Inside? $295. $10 Dn. $17 mo. STROII BOYS 990 Stiee 61 Ford Gnlaxie club Victorla "coupe Red, white top, full power Mus Bird engine, automatic. Radin heater.

Private owner wants transportation rar ft you assume payments. Irw mileage ft perfect. (Vtft lie seen after 5 p.m. evenings. Bi-nokslde, Redlands.

BO Falcon, air cond. 2 door, radio, healer. TUr 1958 FORI) sfa. wagon Country Se dan. $100 for my equity, ft Ink over payments ot $60.39.

Ttlr 2-5H1T. 54 Ford 8 sU. wagon, stick, itvef-drlve, radio, htr. new motor. Iturrs good, $495.

P.O. Box 776. Fontana- I960 Country Squire passenger fori Station Wagon. Perfect ond Owner must, sacrifice. Going over seas.

All power equipped ft air rail ASSUME payments "nn two wagon, nir rnniuiloned, puwit steering, Fordomatlc. See Don. loif North St. 1M' A coupe 1331 Blackstone. TUr 53 FORD VICTORIA Real clean.

$15 60 per mo. Ask fof credit manager. 25834 E. Base Line. GL 8,371.

60 Ford 2 dr. VS, automatic, power1 1 steering, radio ft heater. AssumS I payments of $68 per mo. Ti askforJiICK or Hlllman 4 dr. sedan.

payments of $lS per mo. Vi 8 3HG4, ask for DICK or JIMMY. Dir. 53 Jeep 4 wheel driveTcompfete "wiiC aluminum top. $mi9.

Don Muth Foid 306 E. Foothill, Riaito TR I.mJ 59 HILLMAN $s95. 57 Hlllman convertible good cond $395 54 Pontlac sednd average, $195. 25768 Iiase Line. (If.

8 4118. "1958 Ale cond. $JHiifl. Indlvlduaf 4944 a iStrefLTIlr 215s5 afterb. WANTED 1 t'sed Mntorcyeles and Scooters Trade yours NOW on a NEW FIAT or a GOOD USED CAR at.

HARRISON RENCrs 208 E. Base Llne TUr tmi START" nnymcnts on 57 Mercury Montclalr 4 dr. se I dan. See Winston, 1015 Morth 'mtlniied on Neitare) SADDLES Largest selection, best prices tn state, liver 2nd to choose from. All types.

Horse pony esiulp. New A used. Also pony carts ft harness. Whole-vile pn. es.

Terms 21712 Sixth, bet, Waterman Tippecanoe. GELDING, ,11 yra. old. A rhllds or a woman norse. very gentile.

Kt. I. II 2u7, Kendall Dr. TUr 2-S291. New- used-Repairs, rid- Inir equipment, cowboy boota.

etc. clothln. Schaff 4th ft F. FRESH 6 quart white goats, $35 ea. 3330 Vermont, Mus- Tt'r-.

7-196S. Livestock. mdse. Auc. every Tues.

7407 E. Riverside Ontario.5 auctioneers, Yll 4-5131. CALVES White tiioes. Annus A Hoi- sleln. 551 Cardiff.

Tl'x 86-2138. CUSTOM BUTCHERING." Del Rosa Food Locker. TUr 6 25un. Registered Hereford sTTaulls, cows ft! ralves. Ray Weldon.

Ferris, Cal. LIVESTOCK BOUGHT ft SOLD" 127 W. Mill St TUx4M292 PERMANENT pasture for horses! Alttmus Hits. W. Singleton Rd.


REG. ARABIAN 19i Santa Ana Bloomington HORSESHOEING trimming. Hot coldLshoes. Hishland OLJJ497. FANtlLY cow, 2i to 3 gal-iier day.

$150. S314 Coltonwi.d,Fonlana. VEALERS. lbs. 2ic lb.

TR S-DiJialtf! WHITEDi'nkey J35 H'W Kendall Dr. A Rood 2 horse trailer. 1st class rond. 1275. PY 7-4431.

Yucaipa. 44a. Livestock Wanted Yr attleVh oosTClis r.ts VERNON JOHNSON. 430 WEST G. COLTON.

PH. TA 5 2778. 47. Hay, Grain Feed PY S-0710 TUr 9-76 SPECIAL Oat Alfalfa mix. J29 ton JiKS State.

TUr 7-lfill TTOOD Alfalfa, also cheaper grades. 3DS5 State Muscoy. TUr 7-lfiU. ALFALFA Clover J2S TON S5S7- Redwood. Fontana, VA 2-S5Hi 48.

Poultry, Eggs, Rabbits Equipment Rabbits and hutches Phjine TA5-154B 19. Fruits, Vegetables, Produce COACITELLA VALLEY GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES BUY DIRECT FROM GROWER Economical loose box for home use. FRncy fruit oackases for gift shipment. NEW RETAIL DEPARTMENT Bryn Mtwr Coachella Valley GROVES PACKING HOUSE Barton Rd. at Southern Pacific Main Line.

Bryn Mawr. California. 51 Antiques ANTIQUES. BOUGHT SOLD 81242ndSt. 52 Furniture "RANK REPOSSESSIONS" SOLID MAPLE, Wood arm love seat Platform rocker-coil spring foam rubber construction, brown Boucle tweed covering.

ROTH PIECES ONLY $138.00 SPECIAL SALE "PRICES! on Bank repossessed solid maple Mr. Mrs. bdrm set also bed divan with platform rocker, solid maple frames, brown tweed covering. Terms to Fit Your Pocketbook M. S.

Aekerman. Furn. Mart ROOM COOLERS AT DISCOUNT PRICES lc3 N. Mt. Vemon Colton Crossroads Mt.

Vernon ft Colton Aves. Near Mt. Vemon Shopping Center PH. TA 5-2494 OR TA 5-2495 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M.

SUNDAYS 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FREE DELIVERY UP TO 100 MILES "5 HOUSEFULS, COMPLETE REPOSSESSED lnr). deluxe appliances, all 2 door refrigerators. Never-d-frost! All go- ing for less than balance due.

BRAND NEW INVENTORY CLOSE OUT Naugahyde divans $28 3 PC. NevaMar bedrooms $67. NevaMar tables, choice of blonde. mahogany, or walnut $7 Innerspnng double bed divan matching lounne chair $77 JIM GREGORY'S FONTANA FURNITURE We sell wholesale ft retail 9470 Nuevo, Fontana VA 2-6717 BEHIND, BANKOF AMERICA DESPERATE To Avoid Repossession 5 ROOMS OF QUALITY FURNI TI RE 4i APPLIANCES, INCLUDES GAS RANGE (LARGE) HOT POINT LIVING ROOM SET WITH TABLES ft LAMPS. MASTER BED-ROOM.


Vernon Furniture Co. APPLIANCES AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES REFRIGERATORS r.19.77 KITCHEN RANGES $29.77 AUTOMATIC WASHERS $57.77 TELEVISION SETS $57.77 WRINGER WASHER $29.77 1337 Mt, Vernon Ave. TUx 43-2510 NOTICE 5 rms. furniture. See credit nmr.

on repossessed furniture. Reliable party may pay $4 a wk. Range, refrig, 2 complete 5 piece dinette. pc. living rm.

group. TV set. $345. Hub. 326 E.

Hull. Ontario. RIVIERA Sofa Beds iProv.) $139.95 Sofa Reds Naugahyde $149.95 Riviera Box Springs Mattresses Al Our Cost REPOSSESSED 2 Piece Sectional (Beige Sofa iNo Bed! $17.50 RIVIERA SOFA BED 535 4th St. Son Bernardino Open Sundays 10 to 5 FINEST used Manle. Open "dally except Tues.

ft Wed, 4277 3rd Ave. i North of town.i TUr 2-6542. NEW Maple bed set, 9 drawer dresser, ultmg mirror, 2 nlte stands, shelf headboard. special $177.95. Avon Furniture 116 Riverside, Riaito.

FOR good clean funlture See mine at 2.r'Hl E. Base Line. Complete household. KOtjMl oak table $22, 4 chairs. Oak bookr-iisp sei'ritrv Come br'iwse.

Olson's Bargain Furniture. 133 W. 5th St OWNER RELOCATING: "For saTe" Household fum. ft antiques. TR 5-777(1, Riaito.

WE have the largest selection ot good used furniture In the West. Trms to please Nicholson's (since 1904 1. 633 W. Third St. San Bernardino.

Convenient customer nark lng at our rear entrance. Jm uirn r. 1 anaainn liiren aress. x. mirmr.

ImH full Tl'r 3 I FOAM rubber mattresses Twin size, $19 99. Full sine. Factory rloseouts. Millers at 7th. Open 9 9Sun 9 6.

FOR BARGAINS Barn'7 at 1M47 Arrow. Koniana, lietween Locust ft Linden. Travel a little far- ther for a Bargain! 3 Money to Loan on Real Estate 1ST REAL ESTATE LOANS WE have private funds tor 1st ft Real Estate Loan. Compare service charges, inlerest rates Integrity. We will come to vour home.

1st ft 2nd Trust Deeds available on mountain ft desert property. Trust Deeds housht sold If desired we will arrange a loan on vour trust deed. CRESTLINE INVESTMENT 117 E. Highland Ave. San Bernardino TUr 3-7910 TUr 3-8013 WANTED: HOME LOANS We lend money to build, buy.

or refinance homes for Individuals or builders No red tape 24 hour commitments. Open 6 days a week 9-6 Fridays'. 9-12 Saturday. Escrow it desired. SANTA FE FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN 701 St 479 4th St.

TUr 8-osll EARL JOHNSON Pomona First Federal ft I. pri vate money, bong terms, t. TUr 9-5(105. Eves. TUr 2-3163.

40 Trust Deeds, Wanted FOR YOUR 1st or 2nd Trust Deeds R. D. Kelly Mortgage Co. TUr 9-4949 595 St. San Bdno.

"READY CASH For your 1st or 2nd T.D. or Sales Contract CRAWFORD INV. CO. 1765 TUr 2-3394 NEED 1st ft 2nd TRUST DEEDS'" MARCUS W. MEAIRS CO.

(Agents for Local Mortgage Col 26WS Highland TUr 2-33M. Ext. 8 1st 4 2nd trust deeds wanted. Tool mantel prices paid. CRESTLINE INVESTMENT 117 Highland Ave San Rrtnn TUr 3-8013 TUr 3-701(1 PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 1ST ircusi UCfcD UNDfcK 93500.

WRITE SUN BOX 597. WANTED TO buy 1st ft 2nd trust neegs, james a. Mctiuire. 732 D. 40a Trust Deeds JlSoo 2nd TD paying 1 Int.

Will uiscoum 40. 529.000 1st TO. pays Hot) mo. Good jni. win give small aiscount.

Property valued at KG.0G0. J2MO 2nd TO payable 150 mo. mi. mil oiscouni aj'o. tail TUr 9-3445 Ask for Ralph 17181 2nd Trust Deed.

Payable lr mo inciuoing interest. Due in 5 years. SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT HTLLCREST INV. TUr 2-3796. $1020 2ND.

Ontario home. INLAND INVESTORS. PV 7-11S1 .34045 Yucaipa Yucaipa we win buy or loan on any TD Far West Mortaratre Cn 818 E. Highland Ave. TUr 2nd Trust Deed.

8 4" "Inf. 2nd Trust Deed. 7.2 Int. Will discount 12S4. St TUx 42-544- 2rid Mortgape secured by owner or erated business in Del Rosa, trsso for $2000 net rash.

Call R. E. Far-mer, TUx 83-1216. 41. Money Wanted "HAVE-smallgold-rnine claim with gid potential.

In need of a financial partner. Call Mr. Hansen. Vic-torville. 5-B2B5 between 7 A 9 eves, or write P.O.

Box 653, Hespena, Calif. tJS.OOOT'rom prlvaie 'party" 6n1 T.D., value J50O.00O. Sun Box 21S. FOR SALE 43 Petstock, Cats, Etc! Pets of All Kinds Norton's Pet Supplies 25979 E. Base Line GL 8-3S34 open 7 Days a Week FREE collar with AKC poodles, all colors.

Toy. 50 up; Tiny Toys $75 up; Cwkers J15 up; Pekes $25 up, etc. Puppy shots, health certificate. Grooming. Closed a t.

4imi ft ewmark. TUr 3-5S1S. POODLES. AKC. Toy sm.

black, brown, apricot. 2 mos. to 2 yrs. $25 to $65. No day calls.

5 p.m. to 9 p.m.. week days, all day SaL Surv VA 3-2131. AKC German Shepherd male. "6 weeks old.

SIRED BY CAROL'S KING. SON OF RIN TIN TIN 4th. OUT OF DUTCHESS OF GRIFF EN CHAMPION STOCK. 6785 Valaria Highland. SPECIAL Champion sired While German Shen-! nerns.

-Mai sixm, oetw. waterman Sr Tippecanoe. 10 MIXED breed puppies" "FREE! Seven weeks old. Healthy! See after 5 p.m. at 17836 Owen Fontana.

PUPPIES Poodles. German Shepherds. Shelties Beagles. Champion Sired. Also brood stock stud service.

Terms. 24712 Sixth, bel. Waterman Tippecanoe. LOVABLE mixed puppies. 7 weeks old.

The mother's a registered Basset Hound. TUr 2-im. BLACK Labrador." AKC rcg "puns, fine hunting A- field stork Avail May 15. Ph. Lake Arrowhead 2-3S22 or r.unox '(.

Lane Arnwbesd. POODLE PUPS. Excellent qualitv Ereeder's terms. S30 up. studs Grooming, $5 up.

VA 2-S366. AKC Chihuahua rums?" Stud servioe Both coats, 9421 Tamarind. Fontana BEAUTIFUL Poodles, ase 7 weeks. 2 black. 4 brown.

First come, first served, rn. to 11:15 a.m. 4 to 111 p.m. TUX THE GROOMING POST Poodle trimming, tvilhlna. No.

end. All sizes. TUr 2-3M1. Stud service. TINY Chihuahua "puppies stud service.

2503S E. Base Line. "POODLE PUPS "(or" sale. AKC cham- Pionblood line.TUr 8-8123. TINY registered service.

8051 Sunnyside, TUx 43-6114 AT stud toy silver-beige "poodle. TUr 3-2330, COLLIg puppiesTAKC "reg. Sable white. Reasonable, TUr 7 251. EI.ENSHARE Kennels.

Res. Priidles Ifi'JVhi'trarnFontana. VA 2 vShS Parakeets 27343" rise ctne GL 8-3374 or TUx 42.1161 SILVER TOY POODLES, "specializing in show stock. TUr $.23311. AKC German Shepherd pups," sired oy uunran nin-iin-nn.

A sithiLAM) Sheep dog puppies inun-iatureColllesi. AKC. TA 5-4455, BOXER, male 2 yrs. old. Emerald Footana.

VA 9.iKH MIN. POODLES 5 "Tovs. $50' to $Hi0. VA 2-S752. Fontana PUREBRED German Shepherd "puppies.

$10 ft $15 each, TA 5-2530 FREE TO GOOD HOME MALE TA 5-1779. AKC Pekes ft Poodle pups and gmwn stock. $30 ft. up. Studs.

VA 2-5562. CHIHUAHUAS, sale due to sickn-ss. 4264 North St. San Bdnn. FETCHFEATHER KENNELS.

(Reg 1 Hoarding-Training. Hfi2 Allen st Bloominslon. TR 7 "co*ckER mips AKC. Lovely 1.1 Diona oiiu'ks. iin.

view. POODLE AKC pups miniature TUr 2 4753 PARAKEET!" FOR SALE TOY TOWN. 3S9 N. WATERMAN AKC POODLE" PUPPIES 6 weeks old black miniature. TUr 3-0o2y POMS.

Chihuahua ft mixed Puppies 6 Pet Shop, Arrow, Fontana. VA 2-3-67, WANTED: Good home for nice Collies. TUr 2-6937. GERMAN SHEPHERDS "ft" 15545 Ceres. Fontiuia VA 2 7142! POODLE pups, 6 weeks, champion! stock.

Small miniature Reasonable. TUr 2-7M2 CHllll AHt'A pups, AKC, Cheap O' ersiiK Kt-a TUx S4 6314 Registered Peke in o-ue) or 1 4 2 2 vj 1 SUN-TElEGRAM SAN IEINAIDINO. CALIF. May 18, 1981 FINANCIAL 37 Bufiiimta 0ortuiiitit-i "(Omllniifd Fnml tmtej SHELL OIL CO. station for leaBe in Htalto.

2 busts. 2 Inlands. modern U.hting. Gasoline on consignment. Shell jiays lights ft waler.

Aiproimately JVJ500 capital to take I "call Cm Hamilton, TUr S-TOM "DISTRIBUTOR SALESMAN to sell nationally advertised Winn's Friction Proolmg Products. Evius tve protected territory Established account in the San Bernar- dlno area Must nave sales exier- lenre, prefer mechanical know)-, ede. Operate as your own business. Need $600 to $7u0 for working Inventory Contact In person be-" tween 9:30 a m. A 4:30 p.m.

dallv. 41 W. Huntington Dr. Monrovia IF you are an experienced service station operator ft have mechanical a I 1 1 1 we have a elimination service station ft uarage now doing a good business If you have $2ii to Invest we will help finance the balance. Inventory only Call Mr.

Johnson. San TUx 84-7111. 38 to Loan -LOANS- TO 90 OF VALUE 1 st's 2nd's 3rd's $500 to $50,000 351 -24 YEARS Interest on 1st Loans 'CASH 3 DAYS ANY AREA VACANT LAND AND I OLDER PROPERTY OK I ALSO Loans on Mountain Properties COMBINE YOUR DEBTS iff One Low Monthly Payment iiTUr 9-0711 Loan hi WEST BASE LINE ST. SAN BERNARDINO 1st 2nd. REAL ESTATE LOANS Firsts FOR Construction Refinancing Sales Tract Development Contract pay offs.

ALSO Loans on Mountian Properties Adelman-Benzel 1815 STREET TUr 6-2503 CALL US i-TUr 2-3394 For 1st or 2nd REAL ESTATE. LOANS Cash Available On Terms as Low as 6 -25 Years Solve Your Money Problems We Want to Help All Types of Property Inv. Co. 1765 St. TUr 2-3394 Too Many Payments? Pay Off All Your Debts With a 1st or 2nd REAL ESTATE LOAN 6 --25 Years ALSO 6.6--20 Year 1ST Available On Mountain Property HILLCREST INV.

CO. TUr 2-3796 1811 Street LOANS House Trailer Automobile FURNITURE BOATS San Bernardino's Oldest Home-Owned Loan Company AMPLE FREE PARKING WALLACE FINANCE 891 SL TUr 9-3641 38a. Debt Consolidation MONEY 1ST 2ND REAL ESTATE LOANS JAny Area Any Amount J300 TO 530,000 Consolidate pressing hills Medical or hosnltal bills Cash for any reason R. D. KELLY MORTGAGE CO.

9-4949 90S SL San Bernaidin' 3V Money to Loan on Real I Estate REFINANCE! Combine your 1st ft 2nd loans Into 1 easy payment ft obtain the evtra cash you need at the same time. Older property or vacant land o.k. Any amount, area ur purpose, QUICK. CONFIDENTIAL. POMONA MOKTC.AGE TO 337 W.

Base Line TUx H-8I20; A lor urn numrq REFINANCE YOUR 1st ft 2nd LOANS WITH ONE LOW PAY. WENT LONG TERM LOAN. MOUNTAIN PROPERTY O.K. 'Atlas Mortgage Co. Tfr 1-0911 197 St.

BEN P. KIRK Cssremont Building ft Loan Assn, To nuy. puiiq or rrrmanci 344 elh Tux HUM ei. 43-1)116 61b Terevlaioo NEARLY new Admiral conaoleTNew set guarantee. Nearly new 21 In.

Mahna irwsi) Uwuxt. Only 21 is Molonila blond iwlvel possessed. Like new. New let guarantee. I12S.

RCA Victor Jlln. lth wlrelrsa re mote control tor $198.88, SLITER'S- 535 West Base Line TUx M-0489 r.veniru( ojnunoas W'TZAdmlral ft 2V Kaye Halbert TV 1. both good cond. TUr J-5025. 61c.

Hi Ft Stereo Hi Fl Componenti 'WebtHi olaiv. er, 10 watt amplifier, 12" and 4" apeaKers; $50 worth ol records ncluded. All for iXV Tllv COME" ft hear SlKKKtl Hl-FL at PR- ZENITH modeL Gsiod Houaekeepiiig 1 it New l'Xil" Zenith dual afereo console. rtti.i.RN tv m. 5T5 W.

Base Line TUr -2621 PIIILCO stereo sVearTiid, Excel comlitlon. With aliiunis Reasonable, $175. TUx 84 2124 siieakers, elwtronlc parts. Bargain prices. Surplus Electronics, in t.

im. near waterman. 82 Musical Instruments, Pianos, Radios, Etc PIANOS ORGANS Grand SnlruMi 4 uorlnhtfL laree I ma 1 1 olami. Low rtud73l terms. iraae-int acceotea tre aeuvery, KAHN PIANO CO.

603SrdSL. TUx 43-4191, Conn Electronic Organs STORY It CLARK-Rulhransen Pianos liKHIMDlG MAJEl TIC STKKKU Phonos-ReiMrds-Sheet Music CONN BAND INSTRUMENTS C.RETSCH GUITARS-DRUMS We rent with option to buy BRAVIROFF PIANO A MUSIC CO U6K-T0 St. TUr 9-8596 YOUR BEST BUY Hammond Organs As low as $595 FOB Relax, have fun, start today1 DEKELLIS MUSIC COj.7.53 "tr PUT IN YOUR MU SIC Keyboard Harmony will help you Stylize the Pops, Piano or organ tesson in your nome. a-vwu, B.m,. 4-7 p.m.

Storey Clark Console Spinet Piano, Sacrifice! $389 COLTON PIANO CO. 181 East I Colton TA 5-5537 LIKE new 120 Basa black ft white Accordion. New $425. will take l.TJU. JVX WURLITZER PIANOS-ORGANS R.

A. BRANIGER 932 $rd St. Ph. TUxedn Sl-3100 CULBIUNSEN HEADQUARTERS OSSA MUSIC CO. 421 Hlghlanii TUr S-92TI RCA Strato Worlrn, with head Phone.

All transistors, 7 band portable. $120. TUr0661. 120 "Bass "Black ft White accordion. Cost $350, asking $175.

TA 5-2437. TAKE over" payments on Hammond Miinei ivt-3. Lieiieuis. ur s-uro. Piano: mahogany upright.

Perfect cond. Refinished. $149.50. TR 5-340S 61a, Musical Instrumental Pianos, Radio, Ete. Wanted wanted Any'make or siyie.

uisn. ia i-asii. 82b. Musical Instruction 4 organTessons FOR $1.50 Includes all music and the tree use of an organ. Thru our exclusive teaching methods we will prove to you mat you pan piay.

THIS 6FFER IS LIMITED TA 5-5625 DON'T CHEAT" YOUR CHILD' In musical education Free loan of Accordion piano key boards saxophones clarinets- trumpets violins etc. Also Hammond organ lessons. DeHellis Music Co. 753 E. 63.

Office Equipment naniu, ut-niva uirarv unmi. twin. chairs, table ft 4 chairs, tub file ft room divider. Acme Realty TUr 64 Let's Swap "CSTTirwith foots or WiLC trade apt. size stoveTor "washing machine.

TUr 2-155afL 6. SWAP 2nd ear for 8 P. camper' 1335 W. Walnut TUx 81-1486. 67.

Lumber Building Supplies SPECIALS 112 shelving 4x7 6" Transite 4xS Masonite New lavatories 7o ft $1 $1.90 $4 $30 00 30 gallon water heaters 24x30 windows HOC. 50c ft. $4 4 In. CI sewer pipe steel sasn CITY MEEK 4291 Mountain Dr. TUr 1212 2x6's 2x4's ft 1x12 tongue ft groove sneetlng ft galvanized roof Jingl345e.stJ9thSt.

70. Engines, Pumps, Machinery, Etc. SPRINkLF.R"PUMPS 5x4 Hale Chry. 6 rebuilt $745 Berkley 5x4 Chry. i new numn $1295 Lge.

stock gas diesel elec. pumps AU t'UWfctt fLANlS 10 kw 120 220 ac pneu trlr. 28 kw 110-240 3 ph. skid $1295 KOHK Llh IS 4000 lb. Clark, solid tires $1195 (WHO lb.

Clark solid Ures $1295 WOLFE ft SONS YU 4-2448 10611 Rnmona. Montclalr (Ontjtno) AIR COMPRESSORS hp 30 gal. tank 110 new $1R5 i hp 60 gal. tank 110-220 60 cfm gas drive bat. start $745 Lge.

stock electric ft gas drive com pressors if-20 hp 5-105 cfm AC POWER PLANTS 1000 120 ac new $198 25-50 kw phase sale or rent Lister air cooled aiesai engines 3 acres of construction eouinment WOLFE ft SONS YU 4-2448 10611 Ramona, Montclalr (Ontarloi MACHINE-Weld Shop. Machinery for sale. All for yam, pit 3-4M1 70a. Sporting Gondii SAVE SAVE SAVE ATTENTION DISCOUNT BUYERS (No membership card needed) Anyone lielonglng to the human race Is eligible to purcnase at our store. HUNTERS RELOADERS SURPRISE YOURSELF CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY GUNS AMMUNITION Reloading scopes ft binoculars, new or used.

Over 500 mod- mm. In Taw, sell or trade. Open every day untli midnight. (Inel. Sundays A Hull- dnysi.

Jerry Berman ft Sons. 24712: btn oei. waterman ft Tippecanoe. 71 Miscellaneous at ton motor. Congress clutch good iiics.

r.Ai-ei. ouyt i-MJS. COLDSPCrT $31). 2 ramp cots, $3 ea. 3Sg Flprtrir Tttr Tire's.




OVER 3000 PAIRS Otialttv footwear for the entire fam ily beinn aold at low. low Prices. Brand names: Red Wings. Santa hum. McCoy for men.

Brums, Stepmastcr for children. Also worn ens finis A CHSunla. Manv others. Walk Well Shoe Shop, ill Marshall. near shop.

25 TV's telling equipment, tiesi oner lanes. TUr 7-1963, TUr 7-2457. AIR COOLERS Large stock, new ft used coolers. Buy at factory price. Motors pumps-belts grills-pads- ft naif dui-t kits.

K0.1l Air Engineering Co. 7122 Fairfax Dr. Tl'x SO-1363 1 blk. of Base LlnetJil7 rj BRICK- block machine. cu.

ft. mixer with gas or electric motor. Conveyor ft hopper plus pallet, Heavy duly utility trailer. $50. Misc.

tools ft household furnl- tnra lh ltd ILU'SlS t75.liEAUTIFl'LLY flnlshedtlonde console comblnaUon TV-radio-pho-l nograph, with storage sistce for records. Exceptional aixid condl tion. Private party. Sea before noon or aner i.m m. 112 sinn si.

WAYNErS WASHER REPAIRS Automatic ft wringer, noils renewed, $1 .75 ea. House calls. $3 50. 1708 Mt. Vernon.

TUr 2-9281. WILLIAM Rimers sliver with chest, disnes, tea set electric snaver. Iron, waffle grill, fry pan, square oak dining table, oak fireplace front with 5 beveled plate glass mirrors, Wollensak tape recorder, antique clock ft misc. Items. 3373 Maytield.

NEW used doors, windows, plumb ing, eiec wire icncing. stee ft woodposts, water heaters. $24 95 up, steel Kit. ft storage cabinets. $13.95 un.

Proctor's. 856 Waterman TUx 48-5166 BELL ft Howell elec. eye 8 mm mov ie camera. 8 mm Aruna M.51H1 mov ie projector. Set golf clubs ft fold- ing cari.n2-.'urcnid oru Fontana.

HEARING AID GLASSES', late model, like new. Can be fitted on your lasses. Ph. TUr 4-6800. FREE WOOD YOU CUT ft HAUL.

Riaito ft Grand Terrace. Ttir 8 0277. GASOLINE power elec, plant, 110 von, 00 laisi to zjon wait, ne mote control starter with 12 volt battery. 130E. E.

Colton. TA 5-4299 STEEL OFFICE DESK 1598 "EH St. TUx 55-8505 TARPS. Plastic 2 cents sq ft. Sizes up to liar miners at vtn Open 9-9 Sun.

9-4 ar.KVKL refrigerator with cross top freezer A ire maker, like new. Gas log ft solid brass fireplace set. TUr FOR RENT A "for sale. Wh'eel chairs, Rollaway ft Hospital beds. Walkers, BOLLONG ft SON FURNITURE Court ft St.

Ph. TUx 43-1116 USED BIKES FOR NEWSBOY' Bike Shon. 1033 Mt. Vemon.CoHin CEMENT $1.10 "you load. Water reater .111 gat.

Kneem. 1U yr. war-ranty $46.95. Woe galv. 14c ft Free use of our nine thrcmlinii tWlls.

TOM FERGEN HARDWARE 25003 jlase Llne TUx 41-0559 USED power lawn mowers. ReeL rotary ft rider types. Tillers ft $20 up. 1235 Sierra Way. BUY ft SELL used power ft hand tools, Tuns, luggage, (etc.) or what nave tux W-64IS6.

TRADER BILL OI.IVAS 311 ST, PIANO or patio bar. 8' ft 7 stools. iuw.nee at unao conon. REAL Estate pennants flags! spin" ners. signs, etc 141 South St.

MAYTAG washer $60. 8 oc. dlnlnu rm. set $40. Dinette $35.

21" TV i3. niaiio van storage 647 W. Foothill. TR 5-6323. DO IT vnitD'iSifrP Upholstery fabrics, low as 9He yd.

All kinds uphols. supplies, tiols. Cityypholstery 760 Mt. Venwn MONTGOMERY WARD SAN BDNO. TUr 9-3651 wr.

ar.nvur; WHA1WE SELL HIGHEST prices "paid. We huv better qualliy used furniture Items, large app ances. ft. BFurniture Tl'x 43-7520 USED ft new power tools, bought, sold traded San Bdno. Saw ft Supply Co.

455 Waterman. TUx 48-6421. HOME water softener. Cheap 404 iincno.i lx 43-41MI. FURNITURE recovered.

Quality workmanship ft material. Call for est. 291X1 Del Rosa. TUr 6-1958. 15 cubic ft.

chest freezer. Perfect conu. jigo. in i-aiza. KENMORE Elec" Ironer," fully go.

1 D-giHa, Kinuo. FOR good clean furniture See mine at 251(10 E. Base Line. Com plete nousenoia. TIRE RECAPPING 4 for $29 95 ft up Hill's Garage ft Tire Service 855 Muscott.

3-08R9 MISCELLANEOUS articles. Dishes, pans, few antiques tiailio wtih 0111 piayer jg. zf4U sepuiveda, in use. A Uf J-Ug33. ZONE Guar.

Ilouid roofs Do ti Just brush on. TUr 7-1777 AiLASi mewl lathe, small size, $150. Tiff ATX'MTramper or tool cover. 100,4 Fits 55 Chevy and up. $45.

17837 Valley, Bloomlnaton. CHAIN saw, Remington GL 7R, com piete witn repair kit. near new, been run hour. Reasonably Miivri. 103 IV git.

Automatic Washer J.l5 Pop Machine $15' TUr 2-58l8. or TUx 44-9176. RADIATORS Rodded. $10.95. Weld Ing.

PAinL 11 91 pnl Cmlltv'a VA 2-0122, 9349 Sierra. Fontana (X) YOU HAVE WIDE FEET? Hoffman Shoe Store 423 3rd St Across from Hull SPOTJE' GREEN BASKET rhlnaTost over t.mi. maple Ethan uen cnesi, tn, maple TV. A-l nj. 1 ur 3-zllJl.

YELLOW Formal, size 12, $6." 2 i'rec- ord players, $10 ea. Misc. baby lln en. Ail exc. cond.

TUr 3 9182. CRAZY man swans cash for stuff. 10013, ranios, TVs, guns, etc. Nonh'a Arli. h.ti JL VJutBrman USED National Cash Register, top 0000 iu lotais wiin certttica on, post $2300, sell for $650.

8 fl Rearh-ln-Walk In box; 6 fl 'warn freezer. 3343 Broadmoor TUr 2-5698 or 3-8070. HAIRCUTS $1.30, Children $1,10. 1131 N. Mt.

Vernon. Colton, Mt. Vernon Shop Center, open 9-7 ft Sun. to 5. COUNTRY ANT1UUES Trash ft Treasures.

534 La Cadena Colton TA 5-1196 J0O0 HIGH GRADE MENS llSED SUITS ft PANTS at very reduced prices Acquired from moving PC'Ple. All sizes ALSO Buy MENS USED CLOTHING, 618 3rd. TUx 43-5196 Ryo-New, Wool Nylon. 9x12. $30, Matching pair In size.

Private party. TUr, 6-2697. SALE ON Fruitless Mulberrv'ft fru trees. Liquid Amtier. Silver Maple ft Umbrella trees.

Hedges In flats pf 100 plants. STEER MANURE, bag 42c. MUSCOY GARDEN oarny, Musctiy. EGG washer, two graders, waii brooders. Admiral refrigerator ft misc.

Reasonable VA 2 21)52. reversible" carpet, 15 IV. TR 5-7191, 1065 Riaito. DINETTE chairsrecovered. Heavy materlnlj, color selections.

4 chairs 125 Pickup ft delivery Del Rosa Service Center. TUr 6-1958. MATCHING pair Orien'nl niesnev-! er used. Sacrlflce.TUr 62697. MANS diamond ring.

Aliout" 40 poihtsT 14 K. gold. Sac. $65. TUr 9-4023.

Treasure House Antiques 726 St. "60 In Box. "Range with 36" griddle. VA 2-9137. MAYTAG wringer washer, 9 ft.

Philco refrigerator. Both for $50. 3911 Vermont. TUr 7-1735. YR.

old crib ft mattress. baby buggy $10 Chrome feeding table. $5. After 5:30 p.m. 1460 North Wall, SAWS, sanders, routers." hfdgshears for rent.

455 Waterman Ave. WIRg rabbit rages. 2 mils of- wire. 1 Blower. 1-Water Pump VA 3-2723.

Fontana FlNrDairy fertilizer, pickup load $6. dellv.Ph. Colton TA 5-1962. 1 lIKR new portable cooler. $25.

VA 3-2965, Fofltana. DlVAN set radio-record-comb. 2 table lamps, gossip bench, coffee ta 1 ble, hand mower. TUr MhiW. BLOCK 5 WALLS Fireplaces Patio Shelters Cement Slabs gj Maioriry Contractors Wooct Fencw All Type FRONTIER FENCE i.

TUr -4427 ZS74 I. Iom Lias Sm lemerdlse 54 Stovel APT SIZE "ELEC. RANGE, Terms 1 yr. guar Vy clean 3 burners ft deep well cooker. Auto, oven.

Free delivery. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line Riverside Ave N.u-ih Center TR S-MIS or A. 2-4575 56. Ki'frigerators "SERVEL GAS REFRIG.

Lg cmss top freezer. II eu. It. re-frig, $69.50. Terms.

1 yr. suarantee. Very clean. Freezes perfect. Free delivery and installation.

Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Llne-Rlverslde Ave. North Riiilhi SlnilHllllU Center TR 5-2323 or A. 2-4575 RENT A REFRIGERATOR HARLOW'S TUr 9-5103-Loma Llnda-PJf Ml 21 PHII.Cn 10 iu ft retng. H9.5li terms.

Crosstop ti'eeer. wielves In door. 1 yr. guar. Sealed unit.

Rum quiet freezes periect. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Llne-Rlverslde Ave. North Riaito Shopping Center TR 5-2323 or VA 2-45751 NICE assortment of clean uaed re fiiK'eralors from $44.95 to $79.50 with money back guarantee If you are noi sausiiea. 2iiiiMliJaseLine.

REPOSSESSED NORGE I'PRIGHT FREEZER. 16 cu. n. $218 60 No down. $11.60 a mo.

Used 30 days. New 5 yr. guar antee. Reg. sold $149.95.

Quick rr'ze sneives. lock on aoor. 1961 model Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Shoouina Center TR 5232S or VA 3-4573 USED refrigerator.

Good condition" for extra storage ft den, lanal or patio. 2.i aji refrigerator, condiuon. Sac- rifice. $65 TR 5-2251. Clf.NERAL ELECTRIC refrigTISTSff.

Terms. 1 yr. guar. Parts lahor Sealed unit. Runs quiet, freezes periect, very clean.

Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Shopping Center TR 5-2323 or VA 2-4575 57. Commercial Ketrigerators Store Fixtures meat case. 8' dry hottlp.

Sei-vel 58. Air ConditioniiiK Heating "FRErSHf DAMAGED CARRIER 2H ton refrig. room air cona. il. $3.7,511.

mo dn, $17 mo. 2 speed, thermostat rnn trol. model. Slight damage on oaca. new yr.

guar. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Shopping Center TR 5-2323 or VA 2-4575 DON'T BUY BLINDLY SEE FEDDERS FIRST ALL COMPETITIVELY PRICED ANNABLES, 5S091 Ease Line. 1 p.

refrig. air installed in window $159.95 n.p. retng. air cond. Installed on roof as low as $699.95 with good waier cooler in trade.

WESTERN AUTO-Del Rosa 1568 E. Highland Ave. TUr 2-0113 59 Washing Maehines, Dryers, Ironers, ete. FREIGHT DAMAGE RCA WHIRLPOOL 2 cycle auto, washer, No dn. with trade.

30 mo. New 19fil model. Slluhl freight damage on hack of cabi net, neg. sold, $269.95. New 5 yr.

guar. (1 only). Kal's Furn. 4 Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Tihoooing Center TR jia VA 2-4575j APT.

size used. $45. New RCA Whirlpool gas range. SO auio. umer nurner, 24 in, oven Reg.

$209. now $150. REPOSSESSIONS 1198 SJ1 RCA Whirlpool, 2 speed, linl nuer. iiuarantee. SLITER'S 835 West Base Line TUx M-0489 urcn r.venmgs sundajji RENT A WASHER HARLOW'S TUr 9-5103-Loma Linda-PY 6-0121 WHIRLPOOL IMPERIAL automatic washer, good operating cond.

yeryreasonabIe. 5104 Stoddard NEW rebuilt Westinghouse laun dromats lowest prices ft terms. $1 down 39 mo. to pay. No finance no charge for 90 dnvs Good Housekeeping Store.

TUr S-6U7 WESTINGHOUSE auto, washer. 69.50. No dn. Terms. Fully rec-cond.

1 yr. guar, parts labor. Free delivery ft installation. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave.

North Riaito Shoooing Center TR 5-2323 or VA2-4575 auto, washer, used. mis one nas been reuuilt-tested-and approved to resell for $94.95. Must see to appreciate. Duke's Ap- pliance (Tenter. 564 E.

Base Llne. GENERAL ELF.CTRIC" Clothes dryer. No dn. Terms. 10 lb.

rapacity. New 1961 model. Reg. sold $179.95. No special wiring needed.

Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Shopping Custer TR 5-2323 or VA 2-4575 MAYTAG auto washer, reconditioned" money hack guarantee if It does not satisfy. Delivered, installed, guaranteed for only $79.50, Other makes also in stock. ANABLES, 26091 Base Line.

Queen wringer washed. Good cond. $.15. Ph. GLJ-5764.

WASHING Machines All" brands" (10 to choose fromi. Late models, your choice. 2510(1 E. Base Line. 9 YEAR old Westinghouse washer ft TUr 2-6414 White enamel Maytag wringer washer, $20.

388-23rd St. 60. Vactiinn Cleaners NEW Hoover Varuurn Sweeiier. Regular value for $47.95. HARLOW'S TUr 9-5103-Loma Linda-PY 6-0121 REBUILT ft guaranteed varuums.

$9 10 parts a service all manes. 1543 ESt.TUr 9-7559. lRfiY with attachments. $40. Will show In your home.

Call 1 UX KU-3274. 61 Sewing Machines "machine. Walnut console table. All attach menw mcluded-forward reverse setting round bobwn mending darning setting excellent condl tion. TUr R3753, 'S'EWtNG Mnchines to he sold for re.

pairs. $3.50 up. Singer. White, Me- cm otners. tr si.

NECCHI. hogany. desk type cabinet. BaseLlne. Ma 61b Television Cullen Guaranteed Sets 17 Inch TV console 1 21 Inch Airline 21 inch Motorola $68.

KS Take over payments of $9 50 per month on Philco Blond console. Balance $195. Repossessed Packard Bell 1961. Ma- Sle TV. Stereo comblnaUon.

Was 725 balanre $509. 21 in. Zenith console new picture tut, new guarantee $13. Philco. radio, TV.

phonogiaoh combination New picture lutie. $19H. CULLEN TV ft HI-FI 575 W. Base Line Tl'r 9 2621 SLITER'S i EL ROSA New 23 In. RCA Victor Cnnsolettc with wireless remote.

Now only $I9'W with trade. No down, $10 rr month. 90 day service ft parts year on picture tube. Delivered today. Open 9 m.

to 9 m. A Sundays SLITER'S --DEL ROSA Staler Brothers Shopping Center Corner Richland A Del Rosa Avenues Ph. TUr 3-6617 or TUr 3-7010 the all new" Motorola stereo Theatre with AM FM radio. 3 seirate sound systems, 21" television screen using Motorola's Super Golden chassis. Low down pavment.

Balance on 24 months contract. Used sets as low as $24 5ft up SIERRA RADIO ft TV 2167 Sierra Way TUr S-tfll7. TUr 3-5914 COIN METER "TV 25e for 24 hrs. Now own a TV with no monthly payments to catch you unprepared. No pay.

No Play. 1 biGg hi FI Highland Ave. TUr 2-3365 EMERSON table model 21" TV with money back guarantee If it does not satisfy. ONLY $34.95 ANNA- W.E.S. 26091 nase jJrMV SPECIAL 27" TV I199S5 RENT TV with option to buy later.

Gene Vanouse33j Highland. Ave, i ADMIRAL combination TV!" radio record player. cmdltlon. $25. TUr -762J after 5 p.m.

RENT TV. Aptuy towards purchase" CALIFORNIA TV i 35fl07 Base Mne IVr -0iH tnleresling selection of home fur-nnhinxs In California. Nicholson's i since saj West Sid San i.crimruino. 52a. Furniture Wanted WANTED CAIX ME FIRST OR LAST t'H' IfSttlmate bid CAM.

MH Rl-l-lMlt- Villi K1M IlIS-ll-Mll or TR CASH I FAST for Used Furnltura Ph. TUx 4S-6545 See Me Last I nay 25 more for good clean stoves furniture. Trade muse oaas it ends in the garage forcash. TR 5-K30. 53 Household Goods MUST sell bedrrri.

set, desk, portable wardrolies. chairs, taoles. sll- S'JWTArlS-ia J1 errt. iijun.My.. 1 i-lJ PRIVATE party movlntf out nFstate.

Must sell GE auto. Mobil Maid. Dishwasher, model SPV6U deluxe Used 1 week. Paid 1259.95, sell for 1S5 Ph. TR 5-59M or see at 138 SouthJoyce.

Riallo. 54 Stoves DEMONSTRATOR MODEL" RCA WHIRLPOOL ELECTRIC RANGE. No dn 110 mo. Auto, clork control oven, rotisserie. roast-meter, lse.

oven, griddle, auto top burner, window In oven door. Reg. sold. I379H5. Used for dem-onstration In itort 1 week.

New guar. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riallo Shopping Center TR 5:2323 VA RENT A RANGE HARLOW'S TUr 9-5103 LomaLinda PY 6-0121 WEDGEWOOD 36" gas range, S49.51) Terms. Auto.

oven, ateam cleaned tested. Perfect cond. Free delivery installation. 1 yr. mar.

3 to select. Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Une-Riverside Ave. Riaito Shopping Center TR -232S or VA 2-4575 APT size gas range, i hurnersT Excellent condition. j50.

Route 1, Box 2117. Kendall Dr. TUr 2-8291. LATEST reg. $529.95 O'Keefe Mer-ritt Range.

Cooked on 1 hr. $389.95. OPEN SUNDAY HARLOW'S TIJtJMira-Loma Linda- PY 6-012 FULL SKE GASiaNtiErifkV'new $50.5095 Berkeley or ph. TUr FULL 3fl66GlenvieWj TUr S-9377. 1960 Model Closeout GENERAL ELECTRIC 40" dbl.

elec. ranue. No dn. with trade. $12.60 mo.

1960 push button model, rotisserie. roast thermometer, auto, top burner, griddle, glass window in oven, best model GE makes. Reg, sold. $549.96. (1 only).

Kal's Furn. Appliances Base Line-Riverside Ave. North Riaito Shopping Center TR a-2323 or VA 2-4575 ELECT, stove with Umer A glass door. Top shape. $75.


tltys beautifully Reel.tys Briogi ponrcrta lawn mower 119.95 Bif 24" brisier bsi extra heavy firs ttnwl $7.99 Beautiful mahoisnv 21" TV eonsale $119.95 Whits lesrhH-erta covered elub chair ana rteman $69.95 Provincial rint euddla rotkar, hardly mrd 1S9.95 Motorola TV. AM-FM radio, phono combination $129.95 Natural finish youth bed $17.95 S-yr. hbv crib $17.95 Near nnw 21" Sylvania eonaolo TV with balo-lito $219.95 Aoartment ranso, exceptionally dean $39.95 Apartment ma Fricjdiire relriuei-atiM- $59.95 Swivel base 21" Motorola contole TV baa lolden 'm' 2-oyclo automatio waiher. beauty $149.95 Auorted and matcbini oceaiional tablet, from 53.95 Walnut console TV, playi tlna $79.95 Full tizo Tappan range NO RED TAPI TO OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT PHONI TUrner 4 l3 1140 SAN IERNARDINO McMahan's 3rd St. FURNITURE STORE USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES NO CASH DOWN Combination Radio-Phono and TV Plavi lik, nnw $199.95 Refrigerated Air Conditioner.

Two ton. Stay cool this Dimmer Si 1 1 9.95 Magnua Chord Organ and Table. Just like new S99.95 Radio and tour ipeed phono HI.Fl $79.95 Portable Room Air Conditioner, two speed, water pump SI9.9S Contois Model TV. Touch tuning eontrol $199.95 Divan, Chair, Tnreo Tablet, Two Lampt, teven pieeea in all $79.95 Beautiful Vibrator Recllner, great for relaxing $59.95 Terrific buy, threo roomt. ineluding range, refrigerator and TV $199.95 Tabia Model Sewing Machine, kneo touch eontrol $79.95 Maple Rncker, two only.

Your Choice $49.95 Sturdy Metal Bunk Red $19.95 Fivo-Pieca Chrome Oinette $19.95 Twelve cubic- foot Crouton Refrigerator $199.95 Fully automatic, two-ipeed Wather $759.93 Electrie Range with deep well cooker 5S9.95 Crontop Refrigerator $99.95 Two-weed automatio Waiher $209.95 One-ton Evaporator Cooler, juit like new. Two only $99.95 Two-ton Refrigerated Air Conditioner $129.95 No Rid Tape te Ope Tear Account. Phone TUr 14417. 472 3rd Saa leraordiae. Validate Parkinej City Ante Park.

WESTERVELT'S FURNITURI Wt DENT EVERYTHIN6 rV rOH TM HOME (1 Hcm air ai l4aHSB4yll 7-Drawer Mahogany Desk and hair 49 Bunk Bed Set .19 '2-pc. Sectional 2) Box Spring and Mattress 19. Maple Dresser H9. 5-pr. Dinette '29.

Maple Dinette 59. Bcndix Automatic Washer 79. Apt. Siie Range .12 Refrigerator 49. Servcl Refrigeralor 19 File Cabinet 14.

Chest Freezer 1H9. 4-pc. Bednxim Set 79. Blond Dresser 59. Portable Sewing Machine 24.

TV Hockrr 9. Divan .19. Hide-a Hed 79 365 STREET Free Parking. City Auto Parki TU 42-3344 TUs 42-2133 REPOSSESSED 3 ROOMS FURNITURI ,14900 Includlaq Stove oad Refrlgeroter NORTON FURNITURE Mill trad Wntermaa TUs 4MS41 .3 STARTER Includes l.lnn., rm it dinette. E.

G. PRICE Rambler Headquarters Is Allowing the Longest Trades ON BRAND NEW RAMBLERS See Us Today for Your Best Possible Deol WE NEED USED CARS POODLE old fashioned rug s-o rm ouitiis equally as reasonable. Pay $2 a wk HUB. 326 Holt. Ontario, Furnish a complete home AT BIG SAVINGS WHITE-BARNE FUHN.

CO. So Tiniwrnrin 15 C'uf (t. 'bottom new. $200, Auto, washer, s.11 1 SI Mil i.rv is l.iled with all kinds ft sizes of goon usen niKs. prices vou will like.

Nicholson's W. 3rd St. 5 pc. M'iple dinette, "new! No-mar top. hanlwnod chairs, IjS.Mj.

115 E. Highland Ave. CHIPPENDALE" sofa wTlFball ft claw legs, 23H3 Lincoln Dnve BROWN modern frieze sofa! "Black "it-ought Iron, dinette set. Reasonably priced TR f-4f)J'2 Rlaltn. MlsTELUNEoUS fuvnituie.

Reasonable. Call GL TUr 2-7350 AKC Boston I "lieiiiitifuily marked. MS Mnrshsll Blvd. n.Mt Lou Heauty Serv. Poodles;immiKL Jt'r 2.53'."'.

3.35114 4Ha. Petstoek Wanted ARA K' ETS AN TE D. "Open Sal. ''f 0 Top quality fe-l for le at rca prices Jarrington's. no, Highland' GL i-M cr TUr 2-3W2.

BASE LINE ST. TU 8.0741 i i fecicggss i 'a l. I.t WsVt A i.

The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)


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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.